Getting Grounded

A comprehensive blog post talking about "everything you need to know about grounding"

What is Grounding?

Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.

What are the benefits of grounding?

  • - Regulates cortisol, your body’s main stress hormone (better regulation means you recover from stress quickly, instead of having feeling anxious long after the stressful event)
  • - Neutralizes free radicals which are highly reactive molecules that damage cells
  • - Reduces inflammation
  • - Reduces stress
  • - Improves sleep
  • - Reduces some risk factors of cardiovascular disease
  • - Reduces pain
  • - Shifts the body from the stressed fight-or-flight mode to the restorative rest-and-digest mode

How to install a grounding product

Whether a bed sheet or desk mat (other products available via PRE ORDER ONLY are yoga mats, pillow cases, cacoons, etc) the item is either placed on the bed and tucked under the ends of the mattress or placed on the floor (if working barefoot) or on the desk to rest your arms and use as a large mousepad, then a snap-clip connects the unit via cable to a wall-socket or extension/multi-plug.

There is only one connection/wire that connects the unit, this connects direct to the grounding rod of the house and will ground your entire body once in contact with it.

Living with a grounding product

This is the easy part, the ease of setup and seemless integration into your lifestle allows you to instantly start grounding/earthing for hours a day. Literally nothing changes, simply place the unit where it was intended for and carry on with your normal activities. The beauty of grounding while you are sleeping is that you are reaping all the health benefits and healing your body for as long as your in contact with it so your not wasting 6 - 8 hours of better sleep while you sleeping, and if you are keen on grounding while you are working too, then implement a desk or foot mat (if your able to work barefoot) and ground for the majority of your entire day.

Is grounding potential harmful or dangerous?

If grounding correctly then there is no danger but please be aware that there is the potential danger of drawing current from other sources, so be aware of unground electrical sources near you. This could cause a potentially dangerous electrical shock.

Does grounding help with inflammation?

Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. ... Grounding reduces pain and alters the numbers of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes, and also affects various circulating chemical factors related to inflammation.

How do I care for my grounding bed sheet?

Basically the same way you would a normal bed sheet. Simply remove the cable that snaps onto the clip and best to gentle or hand wash the sheet. Please note not to wash too often or wash vigorously as this will promote the conductive fibers to break down faster and shorten the life of the sheet. Ensure that the silver clip on the sheet is dried once the washing has been done to prevent any damage.

Which bed sheet should I use, and where to place it on the bed?

If you are purchasing the GL2800 (full sheet) then you would cover the entire mattress however if you are purchasing the GL50 or GL100 then you will need to take a couple things into consideration. If you are prone to "tossing and turning" in your sleep with active leg movement then you would want to place the sheet higher up so that it would sit under your calves to your lower back so to not kick it off with your feet, otherwise if you sleep like sound with very little movement then feel free to place it at the bottom of your bed allowing your calves, ankles and feet to rest of the sheet.

Why should I buy a grounding product when I can ground my self by standing on the grass outside?

There are countless articles online praising the benefits of grounding for 5 minutes a day by standing barefoot on the grass, now can you imagine how powerful it would be if you could ground for 10 to 20 hours a day if using a bed sheet and a foot/desk mat at work? Apart from that, many people would struggle to get the free time to go and stand around outside for long enough and also weather permitting. So long story short, look after yourself and heal while you work and sleep on a Groundlive product.

" Grounding bed sheets, pillow cases, yoga mats, desk mats, foot mats and more available "

For more information about grounding and our products please feel free to contact us via email on or Whatsapp on 0741700780